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Showing posts from January, 2021

What is SLOGAN?

What is SLOGAN? Slogan is a catchphrase that represents government authority, new initiatives, campaigns, corporate organization, a social or political group of people, a brand or a person. Slogan can be and addressed as a phrase which is short and easy to remember. A slogan can represent the creator’s idea and attract the audience. Slogan can be described as repetitive expression of an idea for a particular purpose, with a goal of persuading target group. Slogan can become the identity of the creator. It is a form of advertising or branding in the business or corporate companies. The psychological reason why slogans have to be short and concise is because they only have 7 seconds to grab the attention of audience and make an impression on them.  Importance of SLOGAN  Slogans are used to convey a message about the product, service or cause that it is representing. It can have a musical tone to it or written as a song. Slogans are often used to capture the attention of the audience it i

Four Theories Of Public Relation

 Four Theories Of Public Relation: Theory can be interpreted as a collection of certain assumptions that will explain how a process is working. Theories are used to build predictions about the effects of those processes. Theories are not some sort of unbending rules but rather they are nearly some guides. The importance of the public relation theories is to give an understanding to public relations practitioners about how and what make Public Relations work. As an example, an engineer needs a theoretical knowledge of Physics for him to be able to build a bridge that will not collapse. What is Public Relations? Public relation is a management function that involves monitoring and evaluating public attitudes and maintaining mental relations and understanding between an organization and its public. Public could include shareholders government consumers implies and the media. Public relation is a strategic communication process that can build a mutually beneficial relationship between in t

Various tools for Public Relations

 Various tools for Public Relations  Public relation is a strategic communication process that can build a mutually beneficial relationship between in the organizations and the public. Public relations is the management of communication between these two entities. It is concerned or dedicated about creating mutual understanding among the Institutions and Groups. Public relation is a distinct discipline separate from journalism Advertising and Marketing although the disciplines share some basic concepts of effective communication.  Brief Ideation  Public Relations is much broader in scope up and it works to build relationship with multiple public. According to Edward J. Bernays, public relations is as Applied Social Science to be plant through opinion research and precisely evaluated. He said that Public Relations is an attempt by information, persuasion and adjustment to engineer public support for an activity cause, movement or institutions. Public relation is a management function th

Characteristics of A PRO

Characteristics of A PRO  Key Features of Public Relations Officer:  1. Flexibility It’s hard to come up with a career that demands flexibility like public relations. Clients change their plans without notice and a new situation arises. For example, a vulgar post on social media channels can change the whole image.To be a good PRO, you need to have the skills to deal with any situation in an active way. And must have the ability to manage whatever the way. 2. Subtle education  Being a lovely PR person is not easy.Achieving consistently reliable and intelligent reputation largely depends on your ability and interest in learning.Of course, newcomers are always under pressure to make an impact, but no entry-level professional gets a new job and doesn't immediately start advising the world's largest brand on high-profile issues.The best young PR professionals understand that there is much to be learned from watching colleagues peer at their achievements and learning from their mist

Social and Cultural Aspects of Advertisement:

 Social and Cultural Aspects of Advertisement:  The socio-economic aspect of advertising relates to the good and the bad, with reference to specific cultures at a particular time. It presents a set of ethical principles and values. Socio-economic advertising can shift to the right of the demand curve; The demand curve of an unethical firm can shift to the left. * Social Advertisement *  Introduction ___  It is the process of influencing human behavior on a large scale by using market policies for social gain instead of commercial gain. The ad operates in the community as part of the firm’s marketing efforts. That is why it follows social norms. The main areas of controversy surrounding society and advertising are that it can arise not only from the information content in the advertisement but also from the emphasis on the wrong place in the presentation. Manipulation ___ Consumer freedom of choice is limited by the power of advertising because it can manipulate consumers to make decisi

Mass media as fourth estate

  (Mass media as fourth estate): India is the largest democracy in the world. There are some pillars in this democracy. They are,   1. Legislature  2. Executive  3. Judiciary But one more pillar in this democracy is heard again and again. The fourth pillar of democracy. And as the fourth pillar, mass media exists in democracy. The media plays a very important and effective role as the fourth pillar. Because if there is a mistake or a crack in any of the above three pillars, the job of the media is to spread the news of the crack among the people and repair it. Its use is not limited to entertainment. The media also has a lot of influence in the political and constitutional sense.The job of a journalist is only to present the truth to the people and to serve his words to the people through his work. They spread the economic, social and political news of all the countries of the world to us. Sometimes warns, sometimes inspires. Since the job of the media is only to present the truth, peo

Film Production Steps

 Film Production Steps:  The steps of film production strategy The moving image is the film. It goes without saying that the impact and promotion of the film in modern society. Movies are a form of visual entertainment. Where both visual and audio can be enjoyed simultaneously. Film ranks among the strongest and most trusted mediums in the world of entertainment.The word film comes from a moving picture. The concept of film usually dates back to the late nineteenth century. In Bengali, the words movie, cinema, movie or film are used as synonyms for film. A very important stage of a film is the film making technique. Filmmaking is an early stage. Because a complete film is made based on this construction technique. Making a film is a result of a lot of time, patience and hard work. Making a movie can be divided into three levels: 1) Pre-production 2) Pro-production 3) Post-production There are usually two types of films. One is 'short film' (40 minutes or less) and 'feature

Yellow Journalism

 The Dark Side of Journalism: Yellow Journalism  Yellow journalism refers to the presentation or presentation of unfounded thrilling news. In such journalism, the news is served with eye-catching and eye-catching headlines without proper research or investigation. Frank Luther Mott Yellow highlights five characteristics of journalism:  1. Make a headline a terrifying headline of large size across a few columns of general events.  2. Excessive use of imagery and imaginary design. 3. Fake interviews, misleading headlines, fake scientific essays, and the use of misleading essays by so-called experts.  4. Publication of full color Sunday magazines, with which comics are usually attached.  5. Dramatic sympathy for the defeated heroes swimming against the current. The word 'yellow journalism' is terrifying but it has an interesting history behind it. Just as gold has a base, so does journalism have a counterfeit. Beyond these, journalists have repeatedly proved that Mosi has more pow

* Floor Manager*

 Floor Manager : Definition The floor manager or floor director is a member of the crew of a television show. The floor manager is responsible for returning the studio floor crew from the director to the control room and later to the director. * Functions __ *  1. Arrange all the equipment on the set before the show and make sure when it will work.  2. Microphones: To make sure that the clothes are in action and presentable for the camera, clean the set that may be displayed on the camera. 3. Determining which set will require which props etc.  4. Take care of what guests need during the event.  5. Assist in planning the show. 6. Working with light and sound adjustments during the show.  7. Dealing with technical issues and changing batteries during the show.  8. If there is an audience then take care of them. Floor managers working for news production must have flexible working hours. Depending on their show needs, they are given weekly vacations, extended hours, and even leave to tra


PRESS COMMISSION AND PRESS COUNCIL OF INDIA- Trace the history of the first and the second press commission. First Press Commission (1952-54): The first Press Commission was formed under the Chairmanship of Justice J. S. Rajadhyakhsa on 23rd September 1952 by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to inquire into the state of the Press in India. Some of the other members of the 11-member working group were Dr. C.P. Ramaswamy Aiyer, Acharya Narendra Deo, Dr. Zakir Hussain, and Dr. V.K.V. Rao. It was asked to look into factors, which influence the establishment and maintenance of high standards of journalism in India. The Commission inquired into the control, management and ownership, the financial structure as well as other important aspects of the newspaper industry in the country. The Commission, after a careful and detailed study, concluded that there should be indigenisation of both capital and the staff especially at the higher levels and it was highly desirable that propriet