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What is SLOGAN?

What is SLOGAN?

Slogan is a catchphrase that represents government authority, new initiatives, campaigns, corporate organization, a social or political group of people, a brand or a person. Slogan can be and addressed as a phrase which is short and easy to remember. A slogan can represent the creator’s idea and attract the audience. Slogan can be described as repetitive expression of an idea for a particular purpose, with a goal of persuading target group. Slogan can become the identity of the creator. It is a form of advertising or branding in the business or corporate companies. The psychological reason why slogans have to be short and concise is because they only have 7 seconds to grab the attention of audience and make an impression on them. 

Importance of SLOGAN 

Slogans are used to convey a message about the product, service or cause that it is representing. It can have a musical tone to it or written as a song. Slogans are often used to capture the attention of the audience it is trying to reach.b

f the slogan is used for commercial purposes, often it is written to be catchy in order for a consumer to associate the slogan with the product it is representing. A slogan is part of the production aspect that helps create an image for the product, service or cause it is representing. A slogan can be a few simple words used to form a phrase that can be used in a repetitive manner. In commercial advertising, corporations will use a slogan as part of promotional activity.

Besides being short and concise, slogans also have to be indelible (memorable). Since time is very short, so they have to be so catchy and attractive that people could remember it. The slogans could be humor, rhythmic rhyme, or a reference to something else. The slogans should also have the quality to survive and last for some period of time. There are some slogans that are catchy but not good. Some of the disastrous slogans that businesses should avoid are as follows; ‘‘Good Luck’’ by an Uzbek Airlines, ‘‘Your Hole is my Business’’ by a Tire company, ‘‘Come on Our Girls’’ by FIFA World Cup Canada 2015. Slogans should create an appeal and influence people. You can think of slogans as a kind of invitation to buy some products. The slogan is used by companies to affect the way consumers view their product compared to others. Slogans can also provide information about the product, service or cause it is advertising. The language used in the slogans is essential to the message it wants to convey. Current words used can trigger different emotions that consumers will associate that product with. Slogans offer information to consumers in an appealing and creative way. 

A slogan can be used for a powerful cause where the impact of the message is essential to the cause. Slogans, whether used for advertising purpose or social causes, deliver a message to the public that shapes the audiences' opinion towards the subject of the slogan. Looking at a slogan as a supportive role to a brand's image and portrayal is helpful to understand why advertisers need to be careful in how they construct their slogan, as it needs to mold with the other components of the brand image, being logo and name. For example, if a slogan was pushing towards "environmentally friendly," yet the logo and name seemed to show very little concern for the environment, it would be harder for the brand to integrate these components into a successful brand image, as they would not integrate together towards a common image.

Difference between Slogan and Tagline

A slogan is a catchy phrase that attracts the attention of the customer as a part of the company’s marketing campaign. The purpose of the slogan is to make people buy certain company’s products. If the company is offering more than one product, then there will be more slogans. The tagline doesn’t refer to a certain product/service. It is for the whole company and brand regardless of the brand that the company is offering. A tagline is permanent in nature. Nike, the world’s leading sports wearing company, uses two phrases. ‘‘Just Do it’’ and ‘‘There’s no finish line,’’ first is the slogan, and second is the company’s tagline.

Difference between Slogan and Motto

A slogan is a catchy phrase for the company’s marketing campaign to grab customers’ attention. The purpose is to create an appeal so that they would purchase the company’s product/service. Motto, on the other hand, shows the company’s beliefs and core values that it has as a brand or an institution. Moto comprises of beliefs and ideals that show the behavior of a certain group as a whole. For instance, countries, institutions, cities, brands have their specific motto and it would show their core belief and behavior. The motto of the state of Nebraska is ‘‘Equality before the law’’ and slogan of Apple is ‘‘Think different.’’

Types of Slogan

Following are types of slogans with examples;

Advertising Slogans

The focus of advertising slogans is to put emphasis on the marketing campaign of certain products/services, instead of presenting the overall image of the brand. The objective of advertisement slogans is to create a link between the experience of the company’s product, and the benefit that the customer would receive after using it. For instance, the following are a good example of creating a bridge between the company’s product and the experience that the customer would receive after purchasing it. ‘‘The power of dreams’’ by Honda, ‘‘Open Happiness’’ by Coca-Cola,

Business Slogans

Business slogans are informational type and they put emphasis on the entire business. For example: ‘‘Dollar Shave club’’ by Shave Time, ‘‘probably the best beer in the world’’ by Carlsberg, ‘‘Finger-licking-good’’ by KFC. The purpose of business slogans is to show the distinct values of your brand where it stands. Whether it could be perfection, beauty, revolution, trust, etc, following are the examples of business brands showing confidence and empowerment. ‘‘Love your curves’’ by Zara slogan, ‘‘Always Camera Ready’’ by Pantene,

Descriptive Slogans

As the name implies, a descriptive slogan is what you and your business does, you can present it in the image form. If you want to differentiate your brand from the competitors, then a descriptive slogan is a good choice. If you don’t want to call names but discuss it, then descriptive slogans would be useful. But it has to be crispy, short, and precise. If you’re creating a descriptive slogan, don’t make it boring or generic. Here are some examples; ‘‘Save Money’’ by Walmart, ‘‘We will sell no wine before it’s time’’ by Paul Masson, ‘‘A glass and a half in every half-pound’’ by Dairy Milk,

Persuasive Slogans

A persuasive slogan is when you try to convince your customers that they should choose your product/service. If you are planning for a persuasive slogan, then make it good. Tell them why your brand is trustworthy, and it is reliable. Follow the selling style in the persuasive slogan. Here are some of the examples; ‘‘Have it your way’’ by Burger King, ‘‘Have a break, and have a kit-kat’’ by Kit-Kat, ‘‘because you’re worth it’’ by L’Oreal,

Creative Slogans

Creative slogans are usually used to increase the response and recall of customers. Companies use creative slogans to raise the standard. It means that your marketing team has to think outside the box. It may look easier, but it is not. While you’re creating it, don’t over think customers whether they understand it or not. Here are some of the examples; ‘‘Tide’s In, Dirt’s out’’ by Tide, ‘‘Tastes so good, cats ask for it by its name’’ by Meow Mix, ‘‘Maybe she’s born with it, maybe its Maybelline’’ by Maybelline.

Emotive Slogans

The purpose of emotive slogans is to raise the emotion of people. But they require great psychological research to back it up. Emotive slogans are more than just selling your product or service. Here are some of the examples; ‘‘Design for driving pleasure’’ by BMW, ‘‘Where dreams come true’’ by Disneyland, ‘‘A diamond is forever’’ by DeBeers.


A perfect slogan is suppose to promote a cause, name and define a product as well as promising some benefits for the potential user or buyer. Plenty of phrases will fail to promote the product or cause effectively. Slogans must have simple, direct, crisp, concise and apt statements. Slogans must adopt a distinct uniqueness of its’ own. A slogan must make the user feel its need and desire to register the mark or identity. A slogan helps in coordinating messages across all forms of communication.                                                                                                               - Shruti Nag


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