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Various tools for Public Relations

 Various tools for Public Relations 

Public relation is a strategic communication process that can build a mutually beneficial relationship between in the organizations and the public. Public relations is the management of communication between these two entities. It is concerned or dedicated about creating mutual understanding among the Institutions and Groups. Public relation is a distinct discipline separate from journalism Advertising and Marketing although the disciplines share some basic concepts of effective communication. 

Brief Ideation 

Public Relations is much broader in scope up and it works to build relationship with multiple public. According to Edward J. Bernays, public relations is as Applied Social Science to be plant through opinion research and precisely evaluated. He said that Public Relations is an attempt by information, persuasion and adjustment to engineer public support for an activity cause, movement or institutions. Public relation is a management function that involves monitoring and evaluating public attitudes and maintaining mental relations and understanding between an organization and its public. Public could include shareholders government consumers implies and the media. It is the act of getting along with people we constantly come in touch with. Public relation officers ensure internal Cohesion in the company by maintaining a clear Communications Network between the management and employees. its first objective is to improve channels of communication and to establish new ways of setting up a two way flow of communication and understanding.

Tools of Public Relations

PR Also involves all things we do to build a connection with people. One can do PR everyday through his or her actions, attitudes, their words and reputation. When we talked of PR tools these are nothing but the means, media and practices PR person use to communicate with public. A PR person’s communication is not only confined to the conventional communication, but it is done through spoken words, written words, audio cassettes or video cassettes, exhibition etc. These also include actions, activities, and incentives. Public Relations professionals use various tools for building relations with public. Some major tools are discussed here.

Publicity Media

Print media, TV, radio, films and documentaries, news media etc. are the different mediums of mass media which plays an important role in disseminate information among the target groups to achieve the desired goals. Print media always played an instrumental role for building connection with the public. Thus, publicity through press or print media is an effective tool with the highest impact. Also the language press can help in targeting the audience of specialized interest. Television is another effective medium with the highest popularity among all the medians of communication as it informs educates and entertains the people with audio visual mode. Then another medium is radio which is a mobile medium and possesses the qualities of a direct personal medium as it uses the spoken word for the most part to convey the message. The public relations department or personal need to prepare and apt press release press briefings and should arrange press conference to provide clear information to all these mediums full stop the message can also be communicated true films all short films are documentaries based on a particular subject. Films make a powerful impact on the audience with their audiovisual qualities. The impact of the news media like the Internet teleconference mobile communication social media etc have also become prominent now a stop the major tools is news. PR professionals find or create favorable new stories about the farm it products for it people sometimes new stories open naturally as a result of business activities sometimes appear responsible main suggest events or activities that would create favorable news about the company.

Press Releases

The press release is the basic building block of a publicity program concerned with story placement. This is where the important information about the product or services is summarized in a way that will catch the media’s attention. Just as the marketer would customize the advertising message for each target, he needs to customize press releases for the various media he contacts.

Meetings and Briefings

Regular personal meeting of the with the employees can solve many problems with no other tool can achieve. In the PR department organize regular administrative meetings and briefings. Many organizations celebrate annual day and other such occasions where the employees with their families participate and different awards are given recognizing the talents of the employees. Keeping employees informed about new products customer wins important appointments on new business opportunities builds positive attitude and commitment.

Press Conferences

It is the press conferences that a number of media representative cover and event or an announcement as it is reserved for especially newsworthy events. While deciding the news conference the PR team must ask if the information can be disseminated as effectively in any other way. If the answers are truly no, then only a news conference is in order. A basic checklist of activities include site selection, refreshments, audio visual equipments, speeches, invitations, media lists, dates, confirmation calls, press materials and staffing.

Special Events

Special events are the most visible component to maintain community relations. Special events include Celebration of Local and National Festivals and Days, Organizing Music Concerts, Plays, Book Fairs, Career Fairs, Trade Fairs, Jeweler Shows, Literary Weeks, Honoring Famous Artists, Celebrities and Intellectuals, etc. These programs are entertaining as well as informative, and people look forward to such programs in advance. The promotion of any attached product or sponsors through these events becomes very much convenient and convincing.


Advertising is the paid presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services. The advertisements are given in the different mediums of communication to disseminate messages, create a favorable image, and establish goodwill. The various types of advertisements include Print Media (display ads in newspapers & magazines and also leaflets, flyers, posters, etc.), Electronic and New Media (audio-visual ads on TV, Radio, internet, mobile, etc.), Outdoor Media (hoardings, gantries, kiosk poles, display ads on mobile vans, visual ads on the railway station, airports, restaurants, and other public spots). Also, in these times of aggressive marketing and promotional strategies, promotional literature, and material referred to as P.O.P., i.e., point of purchase, is a vital tool as it influences the consumers’ decision regarding the purchase of any product. At the same time, Public Service Advertising contains the purpose of public welfare and educating the people about various government policies so that they can avail maximum benefit out of it. These advertisements are also used to improve and maintain a good image of the Government and generate Favorable Public Opinion


Circular are the most conventional communication channels for employees communication is the circular. Office authorities issue circulars from time to time full star even if circular cervical official Steel the language can be worn. These circulars provide instructions which have some urgency. Is circular should be properly dated and number so that it can be traced easily. 

Notice Board

They are common tools of an organization where the office displays the notices for its employees. Employees, at least for once, glance through the notice board. This way it becomes a useful tool in reaching the employees. Lengthy notices should be avoided because employees

Exhibitions or Fairs

Exhibitions are another device that serves as an effective tool for PR. People often do not participate in formal meetings, workshops, etc. out of disinterest towards long speeches and other formalities attached to these programs. Still, exhibitions and fairs have an interesting and relaxed ambiance with various entertainment sources, food stalls, etc. Thus, they have the potential to attract a large number of people. Instead of long speeches and boring sessions, they display the Posters, Photographs, Animated Flow Charts and Diagrams, Murals, Sculptures, Audio-Video Aids, and interesting Literature, etc. Organizing Exhibitions/Fairs, Puppet Shows, Community Songs, and Dance Programs, Dramas, Stand-up performances, Street Plays, etc. are the powerful forms of Traditional Media that provide information, education, and entertainment to the rural, uneducated folks.


Not all the people are gifted with the Talent to deal effectively with the media. Not all can be comfortable with media. However today it is a well accepted practice for corporate sports persons to receive special training in handling interviews and conferences. Search training is widely available from PR firms as well as from Consultants who specializes in working with speakers and spokespersons. 


This is another medium to keep the investors and of course planner list and financial journalist who write for different casual journalism newspapers abreast of developments. Newsletters need not carry all the financial information or documents full stop however it can update readers on new products major Investments etc. 


They have a unique advantage as the message on a poster gets repeated as the audience is it again and again. Also they are capable of steering the desired emotion of the employees.


These are always very effective tool of communication. To make a person a place of the prosperity of development of a company he or she should be given an opportunity to assess it for himself or herself. To get better deal from the analyst and financial journalist they should be taken for a visit to the premises of the company.

Research and Planning

 Media relations begin with research a PR practitioner has to answer questions like what makes the farms activities more interesting than its competitors. What is the company's expertise? Thus, a practitioner should know which of these possible elements will translate most effectively into a new story that will help achieve the overall communication goals. Once the PR practitioner is confident of the objectives of the program and the themes or ideas to be presented then the appropriate media is to be identified. Media directories available stop however one needs to go beyond this was stuck care should be taken regarding stories that need to be dealt with some newspaper exclusively according to the geographical area or field of interest.


Companies rely on extensively on published materials to reach and influence their target markets. These include annual reports, brochures, articles, magazines etc.

Case Histories

Case histories or success stories are often publicity stimulators particularly for trade publications whose readers are genuinely interested in how the companies in their industry have solved problems initiated new sales or marketing strategies.


                                                                                                   - Shruti Nag


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