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Showing posts from December, 2020

FDI or Foreign Direct Investment

The FDI or Foreign Direct Investment is a kind of investment made by a firm or an individual in one country into business interests of another country. Usually, FDI takes place when an investor establishes foreign business operations or acquires foreign business assets in a foreign company. This could be to start a new business.  CONCEPT FDIs are distinguished from portfolio investments in which an investor merely purchases equities of foreign-based companies. Foreign Direct Investments are actively utilized in open markets rather than closed markets for investors. The origin of foreign direct investment does not impact the definition as and FDI; the investment may be made either 'inorganically' by a company in the target country or 'organically' by expanding the operations of an existing business in that country. It is thus distinguished from a foreign portfolio investment by a notion of direct control.  FDI usually involves participation in management joint venture tr

Role of a RJ

  Finding you amongst various audio equipments – that is where a radio jockey can find him/herself easily. Now, when we are talking about a radio jockey we must listen to a radio show first. If a person, in his/her life, has never listened to a radio show anchored a by a radio jockey; t is really difficult for him/her  to understand what does this “Radio Jockey” mean and what do these people actually do? The role of a radio jockey is not only to talk to the people and anchoring a radio program, it is much more than this. This fascinating career option can also have stressful side which we can never understand being an audience. The radio industry is a very popular one as well as fascinating. This radio industry started being popular and common after the reach of FM started increasing. The job of a radio jockey is thrilling and exciting enough. This is kind a profession which requires lot of hard work and presence of mind. One can ask that what is so hard in this profession, it is just


SOAP OPERA : Our daily lives are closely associated with the media. It has took part in a in shaping the society by influencing the people regarding how they think and act. Media has played the role of the window through which society can learn and can build communication to the people across the globe. In these media like radio and television, the Soap Opera is being an integral part for years after years. The soap opera is episodic, ongoing fictional works which are broadcasted through the television or radio. Soap Opera programs are widely recognized as the entertainment-based programs and broadly known as the “Soap”. It can be stated that the soap operas are a practical depiction of our everyday life and its circumstances. The eagerness amongst the audience for the episodes and seasons of soap operas are the prior factors which helped them to stay as they are, for many years.  HISTORY BEHIND THE IDEA The soap manufacturing companies like Proctor and Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, Lever

History of Indian Radio

Introduction Radio has always been an integral part of India’s history and its peoples’ stories. The mostly scattered Indian subcontinent started accommodating into a single place after the inauguration of radio transmission. The All India Radio (AIR) has played the most important role in the development of this third world country (of 19th century). The significant history of Indian radio broadcasting has faced both different advantages and several drawbacks from - its early days till today. The history of Indian radio cannot be defined as an area of interest or a topic - rather it is a real depiction of the social, economic, cultural, political and humanitarian evolution of the nation.  From where the radio started its journey? Interestingly, the radio clubs of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay introduced the radio culture or the use of radio as a communicating device or medium. The first radio broadcasting was performed from the roof of The Times of India building in August, 1920. In 1920


Introduction- The Osgood-Schramm model of communication is a communication theory. It explains how we communicate with one another, mainly though speech, writing and discourse. It emphasizes four key principles: That communication is circular, not linear. The listener can both receive and send messages (in most instances). That communication is usually equal and reciprocal That there is a lot of interpretation involved when receiving a message That all communication requires three steps: encoding, decoding and interpreting a message. How does the Circular Model Work? The image above shows how the Osgood-Schramm model works. It involves circular communication between two people. Each person is both a sender and a receiver. They are therefore able to communicate to one another, rather than only in one direction. This circular feature of the model is very different from other liner models of the time like the Shannon-Weaver model or Lasswell’s model of communication. When critiquing linea


  The Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication is a mathematical theory of communication that argues that human communication can be broken down into 6 key concepts: sender, encoder, channel, noise, decoder, and receiver. A later version of the theory by Norbert Weiner added a 7th concept (‘feedback’) which changed the model from a linear to cyclical model. It is known as the “mother of all models” because of its wide popularity. The model is also known as ‘information theory’ or the ‘Shannon theory’ because Claude Shannon was the main person who developed the theory. The model’s primary value is in explaining how messages are lost and distorted in the process of communication. Definition of the Shannon and Weaver Model- The Shannon and Weaver model is a linear model of communication that provides a framework for analyzing how messages are sent and received. It is best known for its ability to explain how messages can be mixed up and misinterpreted in the process between sending and r


  Advertising is the broad  and direct communication that introduces your brand  to the public,educates about your products and services  prompts people with an interest to take action and provides urgency when you convey special promotions. In fishing for business, branding is the pole because  it reflects the character of the fisherman, marketing is the line because it conveys the message to the appropriate area of the pool of customers and Advertising is the hook that carries the bait. BRANDING- The first objective of Advertising is to introduce brand to a broadly targeted market. Through the use of regional newspapers  radio and television, online and mobile device targeting and event sponsorship, advertising presents a psychologically - crafted message to a broad group of potential customers. Colors ,shapes, slogans and other sensory triggers are used to arouse an image in the minds of the viewers.  EDUCATION- Advertising also introduces  the product and conveys information regard


  .Positive agency - client relationships are the key to business success for both parties. The agency - client relationship should be a partnership.  That means clients should see the agency as an extension of their marketing team. Collaboration and teamwork are important.  A. UNDER PROMISE AND OVER DELIVER- Clients all too often find that their agency promises the world in terms of results and time lives just to secure their business, but in reality, they just can't keep their promises.  Make sure you're realistic about what you can achieve. If you can pull off a project a week ahead of the deadline,your client will be delighted. On the other hand,if you deliver a week late,you're risking in losing their business.  B.SET CLEAR GOALS AND MEASURE THE SUCCESS OF  EVERY CAMPAIGN- Your clients may not necessarily set measurable goals for each project they choose to work with you on but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. Doing good measurement to clear goals of a project


PUBLIC SPHERE- The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action. Such a discussion is called public debate and is defined as the expression of views or matters that are of concern of the public often but not always, with opposing or diverging views being expressed by participants in the discussion. Public debate takes place mostly through the mass media, but also at meetings or through social media ,academic publications and Government policy documents.  The term was originally coined by German philosopher "JURGEN HABARMAS" who defined " the public sphere "as a virtual or imaginary community which  does not necessarily exist in any identifiable space.  The public sphere can be seen as "A Theater " in modern societies in which political participation is enacted through the medium of talk and realm of social life in which pu


  The western model for development predominated in 1950's and 1960's. The modernization paradigm arose soon after world War 2,in 1949. It created development as a challenge  to bring the "underdeveloped  countries "out of their  conditions of poverty by modernizing them and by free market approaches. First world country tried to develop Third world nations by introducing the better media system. First world nations thought that every third world nations would be developed by media within a definite areas and they thought to create domination upon those areas were build up for third world countries. In cold War's time when world influence was polarized by two super powers,the United States and soviet union. Their influences reached every sphere of the international scenario, including development. In this context ,the modernization paradigm promoted by political leaders of western countries became so strong and so pervasive in every dimension of social life that i


 This ABX model of communication was introduced by M.Newcomb in 1953. He gives different approaches to the communication process. The main purpose of this theory is to introduce  the role of communication  in a way of social relationship and to maintain social equilibrium or balance within the social system. It was the first model to consider the role of communication as a key factor in social relationship. In this model "A", "B", and "X" has become signification or a replica of a social system as whole. Newcomb added the essence of 'social environment ' / ("X") to the transmission process. HERE- X= system of experience  The newcomb's model works in a triangular format or A-B-X system. The relationship between A and B is like student and teacher, government and public or newspaper and readers. Sender and receiver may work in a same flow but the same time some factor like "X" may affect their flow of relationship."X"

Define communication and its functions. Briefly Discuss the types of communication and means of Communication With Suitable Examples.

Every human being needs an interaction.Everyone try to share some thoughts which developed in the mind. So,Communication or interaction is as strong and as basic like everyone's eating and sleeping or regular working. Everyone try to know others opinion, thoughts with using Communication. When a person communicates, he/she shares his/her own attitudes. Communication is the process of Sending and recieving informations. It is the channel through which we can develop, maintain and improve human relationships. Communication is an act of transmission of ideas, thoughts, Knowledges and opinions.Like an Example,The greatest Punishment for a child is to leave him alone and tell I refuse to talk to you. So for living, We must need Communication, Even the aged need Company,need to Communicate. Only for short time a person can do work without Communication but for long time it is impossible to live without interaction. This Communication has developed through many stages. In about 50,000


 1.WHAT IS THE ARISTOTLE'S MODEL OF COMMUNICATION? Aristotle,a great philosopher initiative the earliest and simplest mass communication model called "ARISTOTLE'S model of communication ".He approached model before 300.B.C,who found the importance of audience role in communication chain in his communication model.This model is basically focused  on public speaking than interpersonal communication in the society.This model is mainly discussed about speaker and speech. The Aristotle's communication model is a speaker centered model as the speaker or the public who speakes has the most important role in it and is the only one active.   2.ELEMENTS OF THE MODEL-  Aristotle model of communication is formed with 5 basic elements  A.speaker  B.speech  C.occasion  D.audience  E .effect   3.CENTRAL IDEA OF THIS MODEL-  The main idea of this model is Aristotle advises speakers to build speak for different audience on different effects.  Speaker plays an important role in pub