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Define communication and its functions. Briefly Discuss the types of communication and means of Communication With Suitable Examples.

Every human being needs an interaction.Everyone try to share some thoughts which developed in the mind. So,Communication or interaction is as strong and as basic like everyone's eating and sleeping or regular working. Everyone try to know others opinion, thoughts with using Communication. When a person communicates, he/she shares his/her own attitudes.

Communication is the process of Sending and recieving informations. It is the channel through which we can develop, maintain and improve human relationships. Communication is an act of transmission of ideas, thoughts, Knowledges and opinions.Like an Example,The greatest Punishment for a child is to leave him alone and tell I refuse to talk to you.
So for living, We must need Communication,
Even the aged need Company,need to Communicate. Only for short time a person can do work without Communication but for long time it is impossible to live without interaction. This Communication has developed through many
stages. In about 50,000 years earlier, Communication was
Social but language was not
developed. Then by about 7000 BC the Communication gained another medium like
Pic to graphics. That time Communication took
place by drawing Pictures. In the period from 3000 to 2000 BC, first Symbols came into existance. In this stage pictures reduced to symbols. As Civilization Progressed inter-personal Communication was used oftenly.

The modern Mass Communication was Used begins in the fifteenth Century with Johannes Gutenberg's invention.

There are mainly four types of Communication.

The types of Communication are -

1.Intra-personal Communication .

2.Inter-personal Communcation.

3.Group Communication.

4.Mass Communication.

1. Intra-personal Communication-

Intra-personal Communication is Communication within Ourselves. Even early man Used his Senses to help and Understand his World and thus to perceive, to judge and to act accordingly, He learnt that in a hot weather with rain he should go outside to get some cooling and on a very cool night he learnt to light up fire to get the heat.All were the result of Communication taking place within the individual.

This is the electrochemical action of the body which taking part in the process of intra-Personal Communication. Intra-personal Communication is the basis of all other forms of human Communication.Ideally this Communication System allows One to make decisions based on information which information recieved  through the senses. 

For example When we Watch television, Our eyes and ears receive informations and communicates to our brain. If what we see and hear is interesting or not.

Our Communication System indicates that we attending to it.If we do not like it, our brain Sends a message to our muscles that results in a decision to change the station or to press the remote's off button. In Intra-Personal Communication Our eyes and ears becomes the Senders, electrochemical impulses becomes the messages, Central nervous System becomes the medium and impulses in the form of feedback to muscles.

2. Inter-personal Communication-

It is a face to face interaction.It is the Communication between two person. This types of Communication includes most of the informal activities that we engage after the time we get up until we get to bed again.

3.Group Communication -

Group Communication occurs between three or more person. This type of Communication Occurs for interacting some definite purpose with three or more person.

4.Mass Communication- 

It is the process of delivering informations, ideas, and attitudes to a Sizable and diversified audience through Use of media developed for that purpose.The art of mass Communication is much more difficult than that of face to face Communication. The Communicator who is addressing  thousands of different personalities at the same time cannot adjust an appeal to meet their individual reactions. An approach that convinces One part of the audience may alienate another part. The successful Communicantor is the one  who finds the right method of expression to establish empathy With the largest possible number of individuals in the audience.

The Characteristics of Mass Communication -

1. Mass Communication Occurs with huge number of people.

2.In Mass Communication, Sender may be Group or Something else and receiver may be huge number of people.

3.In Mass Communication some technical devices are the mediums.

4.Mass Communication occurs at definite time.

5.Mass Communication Occurs between the different identities.

                            - Suchismita Das


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