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Role of a RJ


Finding you amongst various audio equipments – that is where a radio jockey can find him/herself easily. Now, when we are talking about a radio jockey we must listen to a radio show first. If a person, in his/her life, has never listened to a radio show anchored a by a radio jockey; t is really difficult for him/her  to understand what does this “Radio Jockey” mean and what do these people actually do? The role of a radio jockey is not only to talk to the people and anchoring a radio program, it is much more than this. This fascinating career option can also have stressful side which we can never understand being an audience.

The radio industry is a very popular one as well as fascinating. This radio industry started being popular and common after the reach of FM started increasing. The job of a radio jockey is thrilling and exciting enough. This is kind a profession which requires lot of hard work and presence of mind. One can ask that what is so hard in this profession, it is just a job of being talkative and interactive for entertaining the audience. But talking to the mic for hours in a room full of audio equipment is really difficult for a person. A radio jockey is actually the person who hosts a radio program and selects the music to played or discuss a topic by interacting with the listeners usually through the telephone, emails, text messages or online platforms.

In this present time RJs do not play the role of navigators their main aims are to entertain more people every day and reach the hearts of the listeners.  Every radio jockey has his/her own communication style and entertaining approach which helps in reaching more audience at a time. A sweet, attracting, mid to heavy voice considered suitable for broadcasting. Overall, the confidence and personality of the RJ in hosting a radio program is very initial and important for the career up gradation and increasing the listeners’ rate of the channel.  The identity of a RJ is his/her voice; people will know them by their voice.

The image a particular RJ in the listeners mind is totally dependable on the voice of that radio jockey.  So, radio jockeys have to be presentable and enough unique in their workplace, obviously through their voices. A radio jockey should know the local language where the radio station is situated and also should know some dialects of other languages. Using more than one language in a sentence while talking in the radio show can increase the shows listeners by attracting them. Flair and fluency in the languages is important for the radio jockey. The awareness about which song is trending in the country, which is the evergreen one, which film or album does a song belong to – are mostly important for a radio jockey. The script designing of the program will enhance the programs reach which should be known to the radio jockey. The improvisation in the script during the show will entertain the listeners in various ways, so implying the improvisation when the show is going on air is important. The awareness over the current affairs is also important for a radio jockey. Being who you are is one of the most important factors of being a successful radio jockey. Keeping one’s own style is much important for being a RJ. Delivering originality while interacting or talking and giving punch in the content can make a RJ significant among others. The approach of a radio jockey should be warm, spontaneous and friendly. A radio jockey should possess a good communication skill and has to be dynamic while anchoring a radio program. Handling calls from different types of listeners and behaving nicely with them is very important for being a good radio jockey. The radio jockey should be conversant about the intervals in which the music and audio advertisements will be played. If a radio jockey is a creative person then it will be helpful for him/her in uplifting his/her own career graph. The radio jockey should have a good sense of humor.  Most of the radio stations try to employ the youngsters , means people between 18-25 as a radio jockey.

                                - Shruti Nag


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