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Advertising is the broad  and direct communication that introduces your brand  to the public,educates about your products and services  prompts people with an interest to take action and provides urgency when you convey special promotions. In fishing for business, branding is the pole because  it reflects the character of the fisherman, marketing is the line because it conveys the message to the appropriate area of the pool of customers and Advertising is the hook that carries the bait.

BRANDING- The first objective of Advertising is to introduce brand to a broadly targeted market. Through the use of regional newspapers  radio and television, online and mobile device targeting and event sponsorship, advertising presents a psychologically - crafted message to a broad group of potential customers. Colors ,shapes, slogans and other sensory triggers are used to arouse an image in the minds of the viewers. 

EDUCATION- Advertising also introduces  the product and conveys information regarding that product. Again ,coca - cola's classic bottle with condensation that a smiling and clearly refreshed person is holding is an example how, in a print ad,coca- cola ,refreshing drink that makes the consumer happy.

CALL TO ACTION- Are you ready to drink a coca- cola right now? That is the call to action.  when  you see a smiling person drinking one, it reminds you that you would like to drink one too. The tagline of coca- cola Advertising, you are psychologically primed to respond to the red and white colors, the bottle shape and the brand name. You immediately consider whether you want to buy a coca- cola.

URGENCY- Advertising also spreads the word of special promotions that create urgency. When you see an ad that proclaims a memorial day sale on items you want to buy, you know you must buy on the day of the sale if you want to get the attractive price. Ads with coupons provide the same sense of urgency. It creates a priority to spend the coupon  on acquiring the item, even if its purchase had not been a priority before receiving the coupon.

                               - Suchismita Das


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